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GEMINI CDJ-10 Instruction Manual


GEMINI CDJ-10 - It's a complete owner's manual ( also known as operating manual or user guide), and it's in PDF format. After placing order we'll send You download instructions on Your email address. See below for delivery information

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This product was added to our catalog on Monday 07 May, 2007.
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Gaspar Lovas - 11/03/2009 5 of 5 Stars!
That's all right, thank you for all your trouble. Yours sincerely GL
oleg volkozub - 09/25/2008 5 of 5 Stars!
Very nice clear manual with specifications, thanks!
Jim Carrier - 08/02/2006 5 of 5 Stars!
Outstanding and fast service! I received service manual in a moment after order. Thanks to this manual I can use my printer again!
matt wilschke - 03/07/2008 5 of 5 Stars!
Essential for popping the top open and cleaning and replacing what needs repalced. One note: the Ornamental Panel is attached with some adhesive as well as screws and faders so don't be shy about prying it open.
HIROSHI EMOTO - 11/29/2007 5 of 5 Stars!
Very fast service and a good documents. Thank you.

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Click to see text excerpt from the manual
PLAY/PAUSE : Each press of the PLAY/PAUSE BUTTON (9)
causes the operation to change from play to pause or from pause
Congratulations on purchasing a Gemini CDJ-10 CD Player. This state ofback to play. See the CUE INSTRUCTIONS section for more
the art professional CD player is backed by a three year warrantyinformation.,
excluding lasers. One year warranty on CD lasers. Prior to use, weTRACK SKIP : The TRACK SKIP BUTTONS (6) let you select
suggest that you carefully read all the instructions.
the track to play.
to move foward or reverse while in play mode. The SEARCH
BUTTONS (7) are also used to accurately position the disc at the
Do not use this CD Player at temperatures below 41°F/5°C or higher
than 95°F/35°C.point where you wish the track to start playing. This position on the
track is memorized as the cue point. See the CUE INSTRUCTIONS
Place the unit in a clean and dry location.section for more information.
Do not place the unit in an unstable location.STOP : The STOP BUTTON (11)will end the playing of the CD.
When disconnecting the power cord from an AC outlet, always grasp it
TIME: The TIME BUTTON (12) switches the time display between the
by the plug. Never pull the power cord.
three available choices listed under DISPLAY.
To prevent electric shock, do not remove the cover or the bottom screws.CUE: With the unit in the play mode, and after memorizing the cue point,
There are no user serviceable parts inside. Please refer servicing to a
qualified technician.pressing the CUE BUTTON (8) will cause the CD player to enter the
pause mode at the memorized cue point. Holding down the cue
Do not use chemical solvents to clean the unit.button changes the cue function to preview (allowing you to hear the
Keep the laser pickup clean by keeping the tray play from the cue point) and releasing the cue button returns
Keep this manual in a safe place for future to the preset cue point. If a cue point is not memorized, pressing
the CUE BUTTON (8) will cause the unit to return to the beginning of
that track.
PITCH: Pushing the PITCH BUTTON (14) activates the pitch section of
Laser Diode Propertiesthe unit. The pitch of the CD will change according to the position of
Material: Ga - Al - As
Wavelength: 755 - 815 nm (25° C)CONTINUOUS: The CONTINUOUS (13) function will cause the unit to
Laser Output: Continuous Wave, max. 0.5mWplay continuously (after the last track, the unit will return to the first
track of the disc and continue to play).
Model CDJ-10 is a dual voltage unit. It will operate at 115 or 230 volts. To1. Make sure that the VOLTAGE SELECTOR SLIDE SWITCH (3),
set the proper voltage follow these steps:
found on the rear panel, is set for the proper voltage. Plug the unit in
1. Place the head of a screw driver in the center of the VOLTAGEand press the POWER SWITCH (2).
SELECTOR SLIDE SWITCH (3) found on the rear panel.
2. Press the OPEN BUTTON (16), place a CD in the DISC TRAY (10)
2. Slide the switch left for 115 volts or push the switch right for 230 volts.and close the tray door. The display will initially show the number of
3. Do not force or twist the switch. Excessive force may cause damage.tracks and the total time of the CD.
If the switch does not move smoothly, contact a qualified technician.3. Push the TRACK SKIP BUTTONS (6) to select the track you want to
CONNECTIONS4. Press the PLAY/PAUSE BUTTON (9) and the unit will instantly play.
1. Plug one end of a set of RCA connectors into each of the LINE
2. Plug the other end of the RCA connectors into any available line level1. To start the play at a point other than the beginning of a track, follow
input jacks on your mixer. If you are playing the CDJ-10 through athese instructions:
receiver, you can plug the RCA connectors into the CD or AUX input
jacks on your receiver. If there are no CD or AUX inputs, use any lineFirst choose the track you wish to play, and then press the PLAY/
PAUSE BUTTON (9) so the unit goes into the play mode. Press the
level (not phono) inputs.PLAY/PAUSE BUTTON (9) to pause play at the spot where you want
the play to start -- the CUE POINT. Press the PLAY/PAUSE BUTTON
FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS(9) again to save the cue point. Press the CUE BUTTON (8) to pause
play at the cue point (the unit will go into the pause mode and the
POWER SWITCH: After making sure that the VOLTAGE SELECTOR
SLIDE SWITCH (3), found on the rear panel, is properly set, plug thelocation indicated on the display will be the memorized cue point).
You can preview the cue point by pressing and holding down the CUE
unit in and press the POWER SWITCH (2). The unit will turn on.BUTTON (8). Press the PLAY/PAUSE BUTTON (9) to begin play
Pushing the POWER SWITCH (2) a second time will turn the unit off.
from the cue point.
DISC TRAY: The DISC TRAY (10) is where the CD is held. Pressing theNote: After a cue point is set, pressing the TRACK SKIP BUTTONS
disc tray OPEN BUTTON (16) will open the tray.
(6) clears the cue point. When you press the CUE BUTTON (8) in
OPEN BUTTON: Press the OPEN BUTTON (16) to open the DISCthe new track, the beginning of that track will be the new cue
TRAY  (3).point.
DISPLAY: The DISPLAY (4) shows the track numbers, play mode, pause2. Once you have saved a cue point you can fine tune or change the
mode, and 3 different time displays. These time displays are timememorized cue point:
elapsed on the track, time remaining on the disc and time remaining
on the track.To change a cue point, push the PLAY/PAUSE BUTTON (9) so the
unit plays from the cue point, then press the PLAY/PAUSE BUTTON
PLAYBACK DISPLAY: The PLAYBACK DISPLAY (5) displays the time(9) at the spot you wish your new cue point to be. Press the PLAY/
remaining to play and flashes slowly when the track has 30 secondsPAUSE BUTTON (9) again to save the cue point. The unit will go into
left. The PLAYBACK DISPLAY (5) flashes quickly when the trackthe pause mode and the location indicated on the display will be the
has 15 seconds memorized cue point.
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