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MACKIE 1202-VLZPRO Instruction Manual


MACKIE 1202-VLZPRO - It's a complete owner's manual ( also known as operating manual or user guide), and it's in PDF format. After placing order we'll send You download instructions on Your email address. See below for delivery information

The manual is available only in language(s): English

Link to manual will be sent on Your email address after You place order.
This product was added to our catalog on Monday 07 May, 2007.
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Krzysztof Mazurek - 11/27/2007 5 of 5 Stars!
Super ! Szukałem wszędzie i tutaj po 10 minutach miałem schemat w swoim PC.
Henry Seiden - 02/26/2009 5 of 5 Stars!
I downloaded this product and looked through it quickly with Adobe Reader v9. It is clean and a good copy. Some scanned pages are not perfectly square, but that is a minor complaint. The document schematics and board diagrams are easy to read, of good contrast. The whole file downloaded quickly. This is a good service! Sony charges about $100 for the printed version of the same manual. It is still available through their print-on-demand pro parts system, but why would you do that?
Othmar Herbst - 01/13/2008 3 of 5 Stars!
PDF contains : - schematics, but a little un-sharp. - disassembly instructions, accurate drawings - description of test-modes
Nadia Yakunina - 06/19/2007 5 of 5 Stars!
It was so difficult to find this manual on the internet - thanks a lot for making it so easy and simple. Incredibly handy. AND. It looks you make so many people happy for such small money. Good job!
Adam Solitro - 12/24/2007 5 of 5 Stars!
Hi guys, Thank you for the fast and reliable service that your company offers. Great Work :)

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Click to see text excerpt from the manual
Generally, phantom power is safe to use withproximity effect
non-condenser microphones as well, especiallyThe property of many directional micro-
dynamic microphones. However, unbalancedphones to accentuate their bass response when
microphones, some electronic equipment (suchthe source-to-mic distance is small, typically
as some wireless microphone receivers) andthree inches or less. Singers generally like this
some ribbon microphones can short out theeffect even more than singing in the shower.
phantom power and be severely damaged.Q
Check the manufacturerOs recommendationsA way of stating the bandwidth of a filter or
and be careful!equalizer section. An EQ with a Q of .75 is broad
phasingand smooth, while a Q of 10 gives a narrow,
A delay effect, where the original signal ispointed response curve. To calculate the value
mixed with a short (0 to 10 msec) delay. Theof Q, you must know the center frequency of the
time of the delay is slowly varied, and theEQ section and the frequencies at which the up-
combination of the two signals results in a dra-per and lower skirts fall 3dB below the level of
matic moving comb-filter effect. Phasing isthe center frequency. Q equals the center fre-
sometimes imitated by sweeping a comb-filterquency divided by the difference between the
EQ across a signal. A comb filter can be foundupper and lower �3dB frequencies. A peaking
in your back pocket.EQ centered at 10kHz whose �3dB points are
phone jack7.5kHz and 12.5kHz has a Q of 2.
Ever see those old telephone switchboardsRCA phono jackNor RCA jack
with hundreds of jacks and patch cords andor phono jack
plugs? Those are phone jacks and plugs, now An RCA phono jack is an inexpensive
used widely with musical instruments and audioconnector (female) introduced by RCA and
equipment. A phone jack is the female connec-originally used to connect phonographs to radio
tor, and we use them in 1�4" two-conductor (TS)receivers and phono preamplifiers. The phono
and three-conductor (TRS) versions.jack was (and still is) widely used on consumer
phone plugstereo equipment and video equipment but was
The male counterpart to the phone jack,quietly fading into obscurity in the professional
right above.and semiprofessional sound world. Then phono
phono jackjacks began cropping up in early project-studio
See RCA phono jack.multitrack recorders, which (unfortunately)
phono pluggave them a new lease on life. Since so many
See RCA phono plug.stereo recorders are fitted with them, we de-
post-fadercided weOd have to put a couple on our mixers
A term used to describe an aux send (usually)for your convenience. But make no mistake: the
that is connected so that it is affected by theonly thing that the phono jack (or plug) has
setting of the associated channel fader. Sendsgoing for it is low cost.
connected this way are typically (but notRCA phono plug
always) used for effects. See pre-fader.The male counterpart to an RCA phono
pot, potentiometerjack. See above.
In electronics, a variable resistor that variesregeneration
the potential, or voltage. In audio, any rotaryAlso called recirculation. A delay effect cre-
or slide control.ated by feeding the output of a delay back into
pre-faderitself to cause a delay of the delay of the delay.
A term used to describe an aux sendYou can do it right on the front panel of many
(usually) that is connected so that it is not af-effects units, or you can route the delay return
fected by the setting of the associated channelback into itself on your mixer. Can be a great
fader. Sends connected this way are typicallydeal of fun at parties.
(but not always) used for monitors (foldback).
See post-fader.
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