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MACKIE 1202-VLZ Repair Manual


MACKIE 1202-VLZ - It's a complete service manual, and it's in PDF format. It contains circuit diagrams ( schemas ) etc. It also usually contains parts catalog. After placing order we'll send You download instructions on Your email address. See below for delivery information

The manual is available only in language(s): English

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This product was added to our catalog on Wednesday 21 November, 2007.
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Gary Fisher - 07/25/2006 5 of 5 Stars!
Excellent! I'm very pleased with quality of Sony DCRDVD-101 owner's manual. The manual has 148 pages and covers basicly everything!. Thanks again for great service!
Ernst-Guenter Hoffmann - 11/16/2007 5 of 5 Stars!
Many thanks for the fast and easy delivery. When looking for a manual next time you will be my number one. Ernst, from good old Germany
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John Craig - 07/31/2006 5 of 5 Stars!
Very nice site and the manual is great. A life-saver. Thank you so much!
Anny ROY - 04/06/2007 5 of 5 Stars!
Super fast service and document of excellent quality. Thanks

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Click to see text excerpt from the manual
For most folks, the MS1202-VLZ works just1. PRE-FADER MOD (AUX TO MONITOR)
fine the way it is. But for special applications,
This modification changes AUX SEND 2 to
there are three signal routing changes that can
be pre-fader, pre-mute instead of post-fader,
be performed easily on the MS1202-VLZ. Easy
post-mute. (OFader� refers to the channel
for someone with soldering experience, that is.
GAIN knob, and OMute� refers to the channelOs
If you donOt know how to solder, find a techni-
MUTE/ALT 3-4 switch.) In order to convert the
cian that can. This is NOT a good place to learn!
entire mixer, it must be done on each channel.
Y Modification A changes AUX SEND 2 to be
Is slightly more involved for the stereo chan-
pre-fader, pre-mute instead of post-fader,
nels 5�12. The work area is on the underside
post-mute.of the circuit board, near the channel AUX
Y Mod B changes AUX SEND 1 (in postSEND knobs.
mode) and AUX SEND 2 to receive signal1. Remove all cords, including the power
regardless of the channelOs MUTE/ALT
cable, from the MS1202-VLZ.
switch position, but still be post-fader
2. Place the mixer upside-down on a dry,
(GAIN knob).
non-marring surface.
Y Mod C changes the SOURCE matrixOs
3. Remove the screws that attach the bottom
MAIN MIX selection to tap the stereo
cover. Keep track of what screws go where.
signal before the MAIN MIX level control
Remove the bottom cover.
(pre) instead of after (post).
4. Using a sharp OX-acto� type knife, cut the
UL Warningconductor at point �AO (channels 1�4) or
the conductors at points �ALO and �ARO
Caution! These modification instructions
(channels 5�12). Be careful to cut all the
are for use by qualified personnel only. To
way through the conductor, and do not cut
avoid electric shock, do not perform any ser-
any nearby traces.
vicing other than changing the fuse unless
5. Add a jumper from point �BO to the square pad
you are qualified to do so. Refer all servicing
at point �AO (channels 1�4) or from points �BLO
and modifying to qualified personnel.
to �ALO and �BRO to �ARO (channels 5�12).
Mackie Disclaimer
6. Repeat for all channels.
Any modification of any Mackie Designs7. Check your work very carefully, then put
product must be performed by a competentthe bottom cover back the way you found
electronic technician. Mackie Designsit. YouOre done!
accepts no responsibility for any damages
or injuries caused by any modification,
regardless of the source of the modification
instructions or the qualifications of the tech-
nician performing them. In the case of such
damages, Mackie Designs may declare
warranty privileges void. BE CAREFUL!
A Note About Jumpers
Ch.Os 1�4Ch.Os 5�12
When installing jumpers, do not run their
ends through holes in the circuit
Rather, solder them flat against the desiredjumperBR
pad (the flat silver area, possibly with a hole inBL
the middle). Make sure the ends of these flat
wires do not extend beyond the pad.cutA
#1: Pre-Fader Mod
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