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MACKIE C300I Instruction Manual


MACKIE C300I - It's a complete owner's manual ( also known as operating manual or user guide), and it's in PDF format. After placing order we'll send You download instructions on Your email address. See below for delivery information

The manual is available only in language(s): English

Link to manual will be sent on Your email address after You place order.
This product was added to our catalog on Monday 07 May, 2007.
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Steve Fink - 07/24/2006 5 of 5 Stars!
Nice, really nice. I was happy to receive manual in true electronic form, instead of scanned original. This manual includes: Wiring diagram, circuit diagram, block diagram, PC board, adjustment, exploded view, PARTS CATALOG and more.. It's full color manual, not B&W or grayscale :)
Paul Brady - 01/03/2007 5 of 5 Stars!
Talk about a lifesaver!!!!!!!!!!!! This schematic will also work for the Radio Shack DX-392. This is the full blown service manual complete with alignment instructions, schematics, and parts lists.
Jason Gaunt - 01/26/2008 4 of 5 Stars!
This manual is for both the EU and Australian version of the CCD-TR55(E) Camcorder, as stated it includes both the users manual and the service manual. The quality of the manual is very good but it is only black and white (not full colour) and ultimately it is just a scan, so 4/5 from me.
matt wilschke - 03/07/2008 5 of 5 Stars!
Essential for popping the top open and cleaning and replacing what needs repalced. One note: the Ornamental Panel is attached with some adhesive as well as screws and faders so don't be shy about prying it open.
Charles Dussier - 12/05/2006 5 of 5 Stars!
Super vraiment excellent! la qualit� d'image est vraiment au rendez vous. fichier recuperrable dans la journ�e c'est impeccable! Fichier qui etait introuvable, je l'ai enfin ! merci !!:)

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Click to see text excerpt from the manual
Warranty ServicePoor bass performance
Details concerning Warranty Service areY Check the polarity of the connections
spelled out on page 11 of this manual.between the amplifier and the loud-
If you think your loudspeaker has aspeakers. You may have your positive
problem, please do everything you can toand negative connections reversed at
confirm it before calling for service, includ-one end of one cable.
ing reading through the following
Troubleshooting section. Doing so mightIt hurts when I touch my arm, or my leg,
save you from being deprived of youror even my head!
Mackie loudspeaker.
Y You have a broken finger.Of all Mackie products returned for ser-
vice (which is hardly any at all), many areBad sound!
coded OCND� N Could Not Duplicate,
Y Is it loud and distorted? Follow thewhich usually means the problem lay some-
procedures described in the OQuickwhere else in the system. These may sound
Start� section to verify that the levels
are set properly.obvious to you, but here are some things
you can check:
Y Are all the connections are secure? ItOs a
good idea to periodically clean all
Troubleshootingelectrical connections with a non-
lubricating electrical contact cleaner.
No sound!Y Keep practicing.
Y Are the level controls on the mixer or
amplifier turned all the way down?
Follow the procedures in the OQuick
Start� section on page 4 to verify that allService for the C300 is available only
the volume controls in the system arefrom one of our authorized domestic ser-
properly adjusted.vice stations or at the factory, located in
Y Is the signal source working (and making sunny Woodinville, Washington. Service for
union scale)? Make sure all the connect-loudspeakers living outside the United
ing cables are in good repair and securely States can be obtained through local dealers
connected at both ends.or distributors.
If your Mackie loudspeaker needs ser-
One side is way louder than the other!vice, follow these instructions:
1. Review the preceding troubleshootingY Are the level controls set the same for
suggestions. Please.both channels on the mixer and ampli-
2. Call Tech Support at 1-800-258-6883,
7am to 5pm PST, to explain the problemY Check the PAN control on the signal
and request an RA (Return Authoriza-source. It may be turned too far to one
tion) number. Have your speakerOsside. If youOre using a stereo signal
serial number ready. You must have an
RA number before you can obtainsource, it may be delivering an out-of-
balance stereo signal.
service at the factory or an authorizedY Try swapping sides: Switch the speaker
service center.cables coming from the amplifier at the
3. Keep this ownerOs manual. We donOt
need it to repair the loudspeaker.amplifier end. If the other side is louder
now, the problem is with the amplifier,
the mixer, or the signal source.
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